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CT Contrast: Types and Properties - Video Lesson

Hey, everybody. Welcome back in this video about CT contrast agents. We'll be talking about general principles of the types and properties of CT contrast agents. First, let's understand why contrast is so important in CT imaging. These two images were acquired on the same patient. First, the patient's abdomen was scanned without contrast as we see on the left, and then the patient was scanned again with contrast as we see on the right. In the image to the left without contrast, we can see most of the major structures of the abdomen. In some cases, they're hard to differentiate from each other. And we really don't see anything unusual. However, when we scan this patient again with contrast on the right, we can see the tissues of the abdomen much more clearly. It's easier to differentiate between those tissues, and now we can see something very important in the liver. In the scan without contrast, the liver looks fine. But in the scan with contrast, now we can see a significant abnormality in the right low