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CTA Run-Off - Video Lesson

Welcome back. This CT protocol review is on the CTA abdominal aorta and bilateral ilyofemoral lower extremity runoff. Or for short, we'll just call it the CTA runoff. This is a gigantic procedure that's performed for a very specific reason. We're looking for vascular changes in the lower extremities that can be the result of or the cause of a lot of different issues. So we'll be evaluating things like peripheral vascular disease. A patient might have claudication, which is difficulty walking leg pain, non healing ulcers in the lower extremities, or the patient might have a known or suspected abdominal aortic aneurysm that could be affecting the lower extremities. So all of these are potential reasons to evaluate the arterial vasculature of a patient from the level of the diaphragm all the way down through the ankles. Here's an example of the kind of pathologies that we might be looking for. All three images here are generated from the same patient. The image to the left is actually a perfectly

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